Life is an illusion...
This is a personal page being used as a test site, blogging, expression of opinions and dogma, and whatever I feel like to write here...
By continuing to click on this site, you acknowledge that this is pure opinion based site and you must consult the professionals around you and the ones you are already going to or will be going to. Whether you choose to follow my opinion and dogma, it is totally up to you. It's your freedom and imagination. We all believe what we choose to believe; whether dogmatic or pragmatic or fragmatic (mixture of matics) or being of no opinion, which can be optimistic or ignorant or lazy or altruistic or naive or whatever other explanation you can possibly think of.
At this time, I will not give you any of my background so that you don't have any preconceived ideas stemming from credentials or lack there of that you can or can't possibly fully understand.
Why does this site exist then? Go back to my first sentence.
Whether I choose to update or not or write false statements, it's none of you business! :p
I will write whatever I want to!!! I am an alien in human form trying to install some senses and maturity into you!!! ;p
By continuing to click on this site, you acknowledge that this is pure opinion based site and you must consult the professionals around you and the ones you are already going to or will be going to. Whether you choose to follow my opinion and dogma, it is totally up to you. It's your freedom and imagination. We all believe what we choose to believe; whether dogmatic or pragmatic or fragmatic (mixture of matics) or being of no opinion, which can be optimistic or ignorant or lazy or altruistic or naive or whatever other explanation you can possibly think of.
At this time, I will not give you any of my background so that you don't have any preconceived ideas stemming from credentials or lack there of that you can or can't possibly fully understand.
Why does this site exist then? Go back to my first sentence.
Whether I choose to update or not or write false statements, it's none of you business! :p
I will write whatever I want to!!! I am an alien in human form trying to install some senses and maturity into you!!! ;p
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